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Exploring your European Family Heritage


The first Europeans to reach the shores of what is now the US and survive to tell the tale arrived way back in 1620. The Mayflower Society estimate there are now 10 million Americans with European heritage, descendants of the 102 brave souls that arrived aboard the Mayflower. In the years since, waves of immigrants from every European country have added vigor, energy, … Read more

Downton Abbey and the English Country House Experience


With six seasons under its belt, the popular HBO series Downton Abbey is never too far from our imaginations. You have only to look at the upcoming movie to see how much we all love experiencing refined, aristocratic, and leisurely lives of Victorian England. Have you visited an English country house yet? Whether you are on a Highclere Castle Tour – the actual location where the series was filmed … Read more

Top 10 Family Hotels in Europe

Visit any major review site. Many reviews by travelers either mention the absence of certain family-friendly amenities or appreciate a hotel when those are present. For travelers who frequently vacation with their families, checking for these features becomes like second nature. But that may not be true for first-time vacationers about to book a stay in Europe.

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